Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mayor Zerby Heading To Washington


One reader asked about Mayor Zerby's upcoming trip to Washington, D.C. and the Mayors Innovation Project Meeting. Council approved the trip at the 12/9 meeting for a cost of about $1500.

Readers can see the agenda for this boondoggle at: and pages 91/92. The only agenda item that appears to relate to needs of a city like Shorewood is the one about working with allies outside your city. Zerby is still trying to merge Shorewood with Excelsior, not very successfully. Of course, maybe Zerby wants to attend to lend support to St Paul Mayor Coleman who is a panelist talking about how every child can get a great education. Maybe Zerby plans to merge Shorewood with the Minnetonka School Board?

To the reader who asked about this trip: How do you suppose Hotvet will praise Zerby's report on his return?

Of note is that Zerby's travel priorities didn't include attending this year's League of Minnesota Cities meeting even though it would have required only travel to St Paul. One suspects that this meeting would have had more value for Shorewood at far less cost.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Volunteer For Commissions?


Shorewood has several appointed commissions and boards that do valuable work and provide guidance to the Council and City staff. Slots are available on the Parks, Planning commissions as well as seats on the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission (cable TV and community communications) and the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (manages the surface use of Lake Minnetonka for 14 member cities) boards.

Residents who volunteer can make a real impact on the City by influencing City policy and in some cases participate in making ordinances. Participation is a chance to learn how the City and the region actually works as well as make a real difference in operations and policy.

So having said this, why does the City have a tough time finding applicants and why has this gotten tougher in the past three or so years? The Insider would like readers to comment. Of course, if readers want to apply, they can call City Hall at 952-960-7900 or send email to:

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tax Increase Of 2% Approved


Shorewood's Council approved the 2014 budget with a 2% tax increase Monday night. The approval was 4 - 0 with council member Siakel absent and followed the annual Truth-In-Taxation meeting. Readers can watch the meeting at:

So, if the South Shore Center is to continue operations, Council intends to fund it from excess City reserves, not additional taxes.

Happy Reading!
The Insider