Thursday, May 19, 2011

Zerby - Missing Again


The Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission held its quarterly full commission meeting on the 17th. Shorewood Council Member, Scott Zerby who is the officially appointed Council representative to the LMCC was absent.

Since Zerby has been the Council representative, there have been two full commission meetings and he has missed both of them. The meetings are scheduled one year in advance, notices are sent well before the meetings and these quarterly meetings are the only ones that Zerby is expected to attend. So why can't he do so? Is four times per year too much for his busy schedule? If yes, why did he accept the appointment by Shorewood's Council in January?

Among other things, there was an election of officers of the LMCC on the 17th. Shorewood could not vote as both Zerby and the citizen representative, Ken Hendrickson, were absent. The Insider believes Hendrickson has been at virtually all the meetings and attends Executive Committee meetings, held two times per quarter, as a member of the Executive Committee (BTW, he was re-elected on the 17th).

Interestingly, Council Member Debbie Siakel was at the meeting and attempted to represent Shorewood in Zerby's place. However, since Shorewood's Council did not appoint her as a representative and issue a letter so stating to the LMCC, she had no official standing and could not vote. She did weigh in on the discussion of the tonkaconnect fiber network project. Since Shorewood's Council has not given any direction regarding its position on this project, her comments had to be her own.

Is this the kind of representation Shorewood deserves?

See at the 1 hour 1 minute point for the Siakel part of the 17th LMCC meeting.

Happy reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. I see Zerby is a follower. Zerbster, you've got a lotta 'splainin' to do.
