Sunday, September 16, 2012

Valleywood Cir & Lane Meeting Tomorrow


In case you haven't heard, the City is holding an informational meeting about re-doing the streets of Valleywood. The meeting is at City Hall Monday the 17th from 6 to 8 pm and is intended to give residents along the streets (and others who may be interested) a chance to hear about the potential improvements and to make comments to staff and council members.

This is not a public hearing and no Council action will take place at the meeting. These steps will come later.

City policy is to pay from City funds for the road work, the storm sewer work and and sanitary sewer work that might be needed (no property assessments). Water is another story. City water, if included in the project (and it is on the list of potential improvements) is assessed to property owners along the affected streets.

Residents need to make their desire for or against water clear to staff and Council. Lizee and friends have been beating the install water everywhere drum hard. So, if water is not wanted, the property owners must say so loud and clear. Conversely, if water is wanted, that needs to be made clear too. What's at stake? Well, past estimates showed that water in this neighborhood can result in costs assessed to the property on the order of $7000 to $9000 even if the individual property owner doesn't want water and has no plans to connect to it if it does get installed.

If you want your desire heard, come to this meeting!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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