Saturday, January 19, 2013

Zerby's Highest Priority?


Appears newly seated mayor Scott Zerby intends to make his mark by focusing on seniors.

In December he floated the idea of creating a senior commission. At the end of the 1/14 council Meeting, he reported that he'd had staff send Council information on what some other communities in the neighborhood had been doing with senior commissions. Click on agenda item 11A at:

Zerby seemed surprised when council member Woodruff reported that he'd discussed senior commission activities with Minnetonka, Chanhassen and Victoria. According to Woodruff, Minnetonka's commission focuses solely on activities in their senior center. Victoria's commission meets, but doesn't really do anything. Chanhassen's was reported to be quite active.

So, the question for Zerby and Shorewood is: What problem is it that will be solved by creating a senior commission? Maybe the good readers of this blog can enlighten the Council?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Artic Fever This Weekend


Shorewood's own celebration of winter is happening this weekend. It's become a regional event and well worth visiting.

See: for information.

Be sure to get to Badger Field (next to City Hall) on Friday evening to see the ice sculptures. Some will be done by professionals.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Interim Administtator Is Permanent


As previously predicted, Council made Bill Joynes a permanent part-time City Administrator awarding him a two year contract with extension option.

Everyone seems happy with Joynes' performance as the part-time Interim Administrator. Will they stay that way?

Happy reading!
The Insider

Friday, January 4, 2013

New City Administrator Contract - More


Two astute readers challenged the Insider's analysis of the proposed pay on an annualized basis and pointed out a contractor typically pays their own benefits, etc.

Maybe these two should re-read the contract. See previous blog for more and a link.

The contract says $70 per hour for 25 to 30 hours per week of work. Assuming two weeks' vacation is unpaid, and 30 hours per week, the total cost is $105,000. This is more than the $95,000 described as a not-to-exceed figure in the contract. If the work performed averages more than 27 hours per week, the $95,000 will be exceeded and the contract says there needs to be a negotiation about exceeding this amount. Suppose more than 27 hours per week, on average, is needed to get the job done. Will Council say stop work at $95,000? The Insider thinks not.

If one reads the Cost of Service clause in the contract one sees that the City has to pay a monthly insurance "stipend." Although the amount is not specifically listed it's to be what the City pays for insurance for other employees (something just under $1000 is a likely amount). So, there are benefit costs in addition to the $70 per hour.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Special Council Meeting - City Administrator Contract


Happy New Year!

No council meetings since early December and hollidays make for little news, but now things are heating up (except outside).

Monday night there's a "Special" council Meeting. Agenda is swearing in the new council members, appointments of council members to various committees and most interestingly, making permanent the Interim Administrator, Bill Joynes.

As reported here last month, it seemed Council was working on an agreement to change Joynes to permanent status. Now, it seems sure to happen Monday night.

See: to read the contract. A summary of details is:
- Joynes remains a contractor
- He remains part-time (25 to 30 hours per week)
- He get paid $70 per hour
- Annual cost to the City is supposed to be no more than $95,000
- For the first two years, he gets $45,000 if the City terminates the contract

So, for pay equivalent to $145,600 annually when calculated on a 40 hour per week basis, Shorewood gets a part-time administrator. He'd better be able to walk on water.

Happy Reading!
The Insider