Friday, January 4, 2013

Special Council Meeting - City Administrator Contract


Happy New Year!

No council meetings since early December and hollidays make for little news, but now things are heating up (except outside).

Monday night there's a "Special" council Meeting. Agenda is swearing in the new council members, appointments of council members to various committees and most interestingly, making permanent the Interim Administrator, Bill Joynes.

As reported here last month, it seemed Council was working on an agreement to change Joynes to permanent status. Now, it seems sure to happen Monday night.

See: to read the contract. A summary of details is:
- Joynes remains a contractor
- He remains part-time (25 to 30 hours per week)
- He get paid $70 per hour
- Annual cost to the City is supposed to be no more than $95,000
- For the first two years, he gets $45,000 if the City terminates the contract

So, for pay equivalent to $145,600 annually when calculated on a 40 hour per week basis, Shorewood gets a part-time administrator. He'd better be able to walk on water.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider:

    Your "pay equivalent" shot is not fair since it will not happen as the contract appears to have a cap.

    Contractors generally pay their own insurance, retirement and social security at 17.5%. So, while you try to make $70/hour an outrage, in reality when you do the math, and base it on 25-30 hours a week, it's not going to make him a millionaire. Plumbers get $85-100 an hour for crying out loud!

    It's the $45k buy-out that is annoying.

  2. If he is a IC,the city does not pay for health insurance, retirement, or take out taxes.
    Correct in this case?
