Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mtka School District


One reader asked the Insider to comment on the Minnetonka schools. While this might be a good blog thread, it's not for this blogger to do.

Of course the Insider has some observations.

School districts promote open enrollment to get more students and thus, more State aid. Other reasons are to boost performance by attracting higher end performers or to enhance sports teams (they wouldn't do that, would they?).

Of course, districts aren't anxious to attract students from outside with special needs as these students can cost lots of dollars to support (another nasty little game played when one district has superior programs for such students).

Anyway, encourage someone else to blog on the schools.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Wow. Lob a grenade and run! Just where do you get your "facts"? Shame on you, Insider!

  2. The insider is correct on this one regarding the open enrollment component. The school district knows how many students are required to make the budget work and actively recruit students in the district that attend private schools, who open enroll in other districts, as well as students from other districts. The district has students from the Wayzata, Hopkins, Eden Prairie school districs to name a few. This is not a negative thing at all; in fact, it demonstrates the competition factor so many want that is supposed to make the schools better. More power to the District for attracting students.

  3. Wrong. The district should be cutting teachers and closing buildings. They should be serving the students within the district only, and not importing them. A destination school? Not on my dime. College-level courses belong in college.

  4. Cutting teachers? How about cutting expensive administrators? The kids we educate now will be the skilled technicians diagnosing our illnesses and caring for us in the nursing home. And I don't know about anyone else, but I want some brainpower behind those job holders.

    This ignorant neocon attitude of cutting teachers will lead to us sending children to armed fortresses to learn en masse about from some unqualified teacher that the earth is 2000 years old and science is made up.
