Monday, December 17, 2012

Slow News


News is slowing down for the year-end. The Insider will be around, but doesn't expect much to report since there are no council meetings until January 7th.

Up coming is the swearing in of the new council on January 7th (really only one new member, Kristine Sundberg). Also at this meeting council assignments are expected although nothing earthshaking should happen. The first regular council meeting is on January14th.

One item pending is the City Administrator search. From comments in council meetings and other sources, there have been lots of applicants for the position. However, at the last council meeting there was talk of offering the job permanently to the Interim Administrator, Bill Joynes. From the Insider's perspective Mr. Joynes has done a credible job holding things together since the summer. Keeping him on would not be a mistake.

Happy Reading!
The Inssider


  1. Insider- how about some research during the slow period?
    How much do other city managers make in Minnesota for similarly sized cities with comparable demographics?
