Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tax Increase For South Shore Center Dropped


On the 25th, Council directed staff to remove the 1% tax increase in the 2014 budget that was to fund full operation of the South Shore Center. Readers may view the discussion at: Look at the last item on the agenda list for the work session video.

The Insider is amazed that council member Siakel started the discussion, expressing her discomfort with raising Shorewood taxes to support the Center when the other cities which own the center haven't committed to financially support it. Ultimately, all the members echoed Siakel. Even Mayor Zerby whose wife is on the South Shore Senior Partners board voiced his agreement.

So, Monday night (the 2nd) the Truth In Taxation meeting at 700 PM at City Hall will feature a budget with $48K less in tax levy and a matching reduction in spending.

The Insider would be remiss if it wasn't mentioned that Siakel and her fellow council members did reach consensus that the City has plenty of excess reserves if its finally decided to operate the Center in 2014. The committee studying future operations is supposed to have a report by the end of December. So, it's possible the owner cities will agree to funding and forward movement.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Monday, November 25, 2013

Last Chance To Speak Out On Taxes


Shorewood's Council is holding a work session tonight at 600 PM to put the finishing touches on the 2014 budget. Looking at the materials, nothing's changed since August.

Taxes are going up 3% with one third of that allocated to a yet to be defined new operating plan for the South Shore Center. Spending is also going up. While not in the materials to be discussed tonight, completion of the Excelsior Rd trail to nowhere and a new trail on Galpin Lake Rd are in the spending plans. As reported earlier, the Galpin Lake trail will be built with money borrowed from the sewer fund since there is no money left in the trail fund.

Residents have a chance to weigh in on the budget on Monday December 2nd at 700 PM when the City holds its state-mandated truth in taxation meeting. If you have something to say, it's the last chance.

to read the budget presentation for tonight and a preview of the presentation for next Monday.

Happy Reading!
The Insider