Monday, November 25, 2013

Last Chance To Speak Out On Taxes


Shorewood's Council is holding a work session tonight at 600 PM to put the finishing touches on the 2014 budget. Looking at the materials, nothing's changed since August.

Taxes are going up 3% with one third of that allocated to a yet to be defined new operating plan for the South Shore Center. Spending is also going up. While not in the materials to be discussed tonight, completion of the Excelsior Rd trail to nowhere and a new trail on Galpin Lake Rd are in the spending plans. As reported earlier, the Galpin Lake trail will be built with money borrowed from the sewer fund since there is no money left in the trail fund.

Residents have a chance to weigh in on the budget on Monday December 2nd at 700 PM when the City holds its state-mandated truth in taxation meeting. If you have something to say, it's the last chance.

to read the budget presentation for tonight and a preview of the presentation for next Monday.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Shorewood should have a law severely fining residents who DON'T vote at city elections. Now we are stuck with a council of narrow-minded "visionaries" who are going to raid the sewer fund for their goofy trail project.

    1. Somehow, "forcing" people to votmay be contrary to your thinly veiled small/anti-government attitude.
