Thursday, October 31, 2013

Utility Rates And Trail Funding


On the 28th, Council heard a report from a consultant on recommendations for changes to the fees for sanitary and storm sewer service in Shorewood. In summary, both fees would be increased to assure funding for future projects already in City plans. One one of these projects is to build trails. Also recommended is that the storm sewer fund to borrow money from the sanitary sewer fund, paying it back with interest over 20 years. The cause of the borrowing is storm sewer work caused by building trails.

Of particular note is that the trails to be funded are: Galpin Lake Rd., Smithtown Rd. East and the completion of the trail to nowhere on Excelsior Blvd. So, there is no funding the remainder of the trails that are in the City's Trail Plan.

Council made no decisions except to continue the discussion of fee changes at its next meeting. One thing seems sure and that is that fees will go up.

View the meeting (last item on the agenda list) at:

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. In the private sector, wouldn't this be called theft by conversion?

  2. I support a trail process and plan for future funding But I do not support hiding tax increases behind the name "fees."
