Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shorewood votes to kill fiber optic network


On 6/13 Shorewood's Council voted 4 to 1 to kill the fiber optic network project being considered by the Lake Minnetonka Communications Communication. The dissenting vote was cast by Dick Woodruff who's been the LMCC's chair of the project for several years.

At the 5/23 council meeting, Debbie Siakel asked to have a work session about the project so Council could hear more about it. Instead of this, Mayor Lizee put the matter on the regular agenda at the end of the meeting and apparently solely to allow for the vote to kill the project.

Readers can watch the meeting at: and skip to the 2 hour and 12 minute point.

Scott Zerby, who has been the Council's representative to the LMCC since January and who, as reported earlier here, has missed the only two LMCC Commission meetings he was supposed to attend made the motion. Debbie Siakel seconded. Both commented that they didn't think that government should be doing such a project although the recent LMCC survey showed that more than 60% of residents approved of this.

The Insider is astounded that the four Council Members, with no involvement in the process or apparent interest in obtaining any in-depth knowledge of it's merits, would vote to kill it.

Is this how you want your Council to operate?

Fortunately for the residents of Shorewood, the Council vote is not binding on the LMCC. Sixteen other cities are LMCC members and they all have votes. The Insider hopes and believes the councils of these cities are able to act rationally despite the bizarre behavior of four members of Shorewood's Council.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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