Friday, June 3, 2011

Siakel and the LMCC


The Insider suggests watching the 5/23 Shorewood Council Meeting ( at the end of the recording to catch Debbie Siakel's review of her substituting for Scott Zerby at the prior week's LMCC meeting.

She got her facts wrong on several points. So much so, that the Insider has learned that the LMCC issued a letter of correction to the City. It's really interesting that she implies some impropriety at the LMCC regarding the fiber optic project. Is there some secret agenda at the LMCC regarding fiber optic? Council Member Woodruff seems to think there is not. Maybe Siakel should go watch some of the LMCC meetings on the web. The fiber optic project is reported on at every meeting.

Siakel's suggestion to appoint an official alternate to Zerby for the LMCC is curious. Why an alternate? The indider thinks Zerby should be replaced. After all, he's missed the only two meetings he was required to attend.

Shorewood should have the work session on the fiber project that Siakel suggests. Maybe this'll uncover the sinister plot. At least, it should get the council members some real facts.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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