Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aquatic Invasive Species - Shorewood Support MCWD As Responsible?


Shorewood has a resolution on the 8/22 council meeting agenda which calls for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to be made responsible for AIS activities regionally (including Lake Minnetonka and Christmas Lake). Is this a good deal for Shorewood? Maybe!

Earlier this year, the MCWD suddenly woke up to AIS as a threat and in a heavy handed manner decided they would take control and launch steps to deal with AIS and its threats across the watershed. This was after years of ignoring AIS as a threat or a MCWD responsibility, even to the point of not providing any financial support to control programs which other agencies (especially the LMCD) were providing.

The MCWD does/can have staff and technical expertise to define and manage programs for AIS management and prevention. They also have independent taxing authority (property tax) allowing them to raise significant amounts to dedicate to AIS. In contrast, the LMCD has very limited staff and very little ability to raise funds as its "membership" fees from its 15 member cities are set by law and based on households in the member cities.

The Insider is concerned that the MCWD seems to be in knee-jerk mode and listening to some special interest groups. Among these is the Lake Minnetonka Association and its Executive Director, Dick Osgood. Mr. Osgood makes his living consulting on AIS. So, any increase in activity trickles down into his pocket as increased consulting business. Aiding and providing support is Shorewood's Mayor who seems joined at the hip with Mr. Osgood and Eric Evenson, the MCWD Executive Director.

Readers of this blog should know that Shorewood and other cities have no control or vote at the MCWD. The MCWD, in fact, does not report to anyone other than its board and that is appointed by Hennepin and Carver County boards. Yes, there is a Shorewood resident on the MCWD board, but he is not there due to any action of Shorewood's Council and the Council cannot give him any direction or remove him.

Those of you who are interested in AIS and what the MCWD is thinking about doing should attend their 8/25 meeting at Minnetonka City Hall, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd., starting at 6:45pm. It's only your voices that might make sure that any decisions and actions are rational and in the best interests of Shorewood.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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