Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fiber Optic Project - Is it being killed?


Is the LMCC's tonkaconnect fiber-optic network project being killed? Seems some of the local city councils want it that way and the LMCC is getting cold feet.

As reported here earlier, Shorewood's council voted 4 to 1 against spending any more of the LMCC's money on tonkaconnect. Now, Victoria, Greenwood and Orono councils have done the same. Each has cited that government should not be in a business. Also cited is the fear that taxpayers would somehow be stuck with the cost of building and operating the network.

Of note is that the recent LMCC survey of residents showed that more than 60% approved of the LMCC getting into the fiber-optic network business. The website says that if any taxpayer involvement might be required that can't be known until a business plan for the network is done. The plan is supposed to cost about $55,000, money the LMCC, up until recently, said it had in its budget in 2011 or could be budgeted for in 2012. In fact, the LMCC sent DVD's to all city council members three weeks ago in which all this was explained so the councils could prep their LMCC representatives before the 8/16 LMCC full commission meeting.

Now, it seems the LMCC has gotten cold feet and the whole project may die. The LMCC has circulated a draft 2012 budget that excludes any funds for tonkaconnect. So, on 8/16 the full commission is being asked not to provide funds.

KSTP TV was interested enough to do a piece on the network and the need for it this week. See: . The Insider recalls that lack of access to broadband and cable TV were two key reasons for considering tonkaconnect. These reason still exist and the LMCC appears to be ready to tell the residents who have these issues: "too bad, we're not going to do anything."

Also of note is that Shorewood's Mayor believes this project is so important to kill that she plans to attend the LMCC's 8/16 meeting (she made this known at the end of the 8/8 council meeting).

Happy Reading
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. Mayor Lizee, read this:

    Are there people in Shorewood with poor internet service? Yes.

    Is Qwest slow? Yes. Will it be upgraded any time soon? No, per Qwest.

    Must we be forced to buy Mediacom (unreliable) to have higher speed? Appears so,

    For all the talk of vision, Shorewood will remain an island of mid-20th century "tradition" and obsolescence.
