Saturday, September 10, 2011

Not Doing The Job - Part 2


The story behind the MPCA audit of Shorewood's storm water plan compliance continues.

The Insider learned that the City Administrator sent an email to council members this week alerting them that the audit had happened in the spring and that the City had responded to the MPCA's findings in August. According to the email, the response satisfied the MPCA's major concerns.

So, the Insider wonders why in August the City could provide the documentation showing the City had been compliant for the past years when a few months before, during the audit, it could not. Also, why wasn't Council notified of the audit, its results and the response by the City until just this week?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. With this group, nothing is as it seems, also known as smoke and mirrors.
