Saturday, September 3, 2011

Not doing the job?


The Insider just learned that Shorewood was audited by the MPCA for compliance to its storm water permit and plan. The audit took place several months ago, but the MPCA just released the report.

Among the findings were that the City had no evidence of any system to track compliance with the permit and plan and nothing that showed inspections and maintenance as required in them had been done for the past years. The requirement is that all ponds, etc. be inspected at once in a five-year period (20% per year is acceptable) and that any maintenance warranted by the inspection findings be done by the City.

The report does not sanction the City, but does state requirements and recommendations which the City must respond to.

It'll be really interesting to monitor how Larry Brown, Public Works Director and James Landini, City Engineer try to distance themselves from the findings as they are the ones supposed to be making sure the work was done and properly documented. Of course, Brian Heck, City Administrator and the manager responsible for overall City operations is ultimately responsible.

It's especially troubling that the report from the outside consultant that accompanied the storm water plan some five years ago stated that it appeared the City did not have adequate resources to carry out the plan requirements. Subsequently, in several annual budget discussions, Larry Brown was asked if he was getting the work done and if he needed more resources and his responses were the 20% per year was basically getting done and he didn't need more help. It appears this was not the case.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider: Questions...

    1. Are you saying that these city employees lied about doing something that they were in fact not doing?
    2. How could the MPCA's negative audit affect the residents of Shorewood monetarily or otherwise?
    3. Are any disciplinary actions being taken?

  2. Mr. Heck is NOT ultimately responsible. The Councilmembers are responsible. We can only directly fire them. But this could be a good time for Mr. Brown to update his resume.
