Sunday, October 2, 2011

AIS Joint Powers Agreement Marches Forward


As previously reported in this blog, the JPA dealing with Aquatic Invasive Species management/control was on the Shorewood Council agenda on 9/26. Readers may watch the discussion at and the 1 hour 40 minute point in the video.

This time, the City Attorney had an actual draft of the JPA up for council review. There were a few introductory remarks by the Mayor and Administrator Heck, and extensive comments by Woodruff. Siakel was not at the meeting, Hotvet didn't have anything to say. Zerby only pointed out that in one section  it was unclear if the Mayor was a mandatory member of the Board. The Attorney said the Mayor was to be a member along with one other council member and the JPA would be revised to make sure this was clear.

The Insider wonders that for such an important document, creating an entirely new legal entity, why nobody except Woodruff had any comments or concerns. After all, the original idea of controlling access to Christmas Lake and having inspections of watercraft is almost lost in this JPA. The Christmas Lake Association is not even a party to the JPA, but they were supposed to be very active in operating and funding the access control and inspection program. Do you suppose there was pre-discussion and no need for comments at the meeting?

The Watershed board had not met to consider the JPA draft although one can see its Executive Director speak during the discussion. The DNR had not yet responded to the copy it was sent.

The Insider has to agree with Council Member Woodruff that this JPA is unnecessary and seems to be an attempt to create a new bureauacracy when only a simple contract would serve the purpose. Further, if the MCWD wants to be in charge of AIS why doesn't it take the lead and write a contract with Shorewood, the Lake Association and the DNR in which it is the operating entity instead of doing this JPA. Is the MCWD going to add every other city in the watershed to this JPA as it extends its AIS efforts to other lakes and streams? Maybe it plans on multiple JPA's, one with every city? This seems nonsensical to the Insider.

Of course this JPA could be Mayor Lizee's latest attempt to make herself the leader of the AIS efforts in the Lake Minnetonka area. Past attempts by her to organize the cities surrounding Lake Minnetonka have met with resounding indifference. Now she seems to have found an ally in the MCWD.

The Insider anxiously awaits the DNR's response to this JPA creation effort.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Mound has rejected the MCWD as the lead for AIS. Here is the article in the Laker:

    The have recognized the need for a statewide solution not a lazy half baked band-aid as proposed by Lizee.

  2. Lomah, I do not know who you are but I love you. :)
