Thursday, October 27, 2011

City Staffing Changes


After two years on the job, the City Administrator, Brian Heck, is actually taking some action to clean house at City Hall.

The 10/24 Council Meeting was preceded by a closed Executive session of Council at which it seems changes in staffing and sharing services with neighboring cities was discussed. What is known for sure is that Council approved combining two part-time positions, eliminating the Web Coordinator job effective 11/1/11. Also, the contract with Community Rec Resources to manage parks scheduling and to be the staff liaison to the Parks Commission will end 1/1/12 with the work being assumed by existing City staff. These two actions would appear to save just under $100,000 per year.

The Insider thinks more changes will come in the next month or two. It's about time!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. How about having the powerful Planning Commission be headed up by someone who has more than just a High School diploma?
