Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greenwood Decides Not To Pursue Police Options!


According to reliable sources, Greenwood's Council, at its meeting this week, decided 3 to 2 not to further pursue options for police services. Several weeks ago, the Insider reported that the Council had decided to look outside of the South Lake PD for policing options citing a desire for lower cost. The Insider believes this earlier decision was unanimous.

So, why did Greenwood's council change its mind and why was it only 3 of the 5 members who did so? The Insider speculates that Chief Litsey brought pressure and engaged his "friends" on the Police Board to do the same. Also likely is some concession that 3 Greenwood Council Members think Greenwood will get from the SLMPD for dropping Greenwood's pursuit of options. Since the stated reason for looking at options was only financial, the concessions must be financial. Interestingly, the JPA specifies how much Greenwood pays. So, the Insider further speculates there will be a discussion about modifying the JPA funding formula.

Readers may recall that there was a huge fight the last time the JPA funding formula was up for review. A fight that ultimately ended up in legal action and in a judge setting the current funding formula.

Watch this blog for more on this as it's surely coming soon.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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