Tuesday, November 15, 2011

AIS Joint Powers Agreement - DNR Declines To Play


The Insider has learned that the DNR notified the City that it will not participate in the JPA regarding AIS as proposed by Shorewood (see prior blog post on this JPA).

So, the DNR won't play with Mayor Lizee's attempt to create a new bureaucracy and to take "a leadership role" in control of Aquatic Invasive Species. The Insider believes this is a sensible response by the DNR. After all, the DNR ceding its powers to a new agency that is organized so as to be able to dictate to the DNR or veto anything the DNR might want to do is nonsensical.

It appears Shorewood's next step is to discuss with the Watershed District (the third of the proposed members of the ill-advised JPA) how to proceed. The Insider notes that there has been no action on the JPA by the Watershed Board either.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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