Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zebra Mussel Gate - Christmas Lake


The previously mentioned (in this blog) gate on the boat ramp at Christmas Lake has been installed by Shorewood and appears to be in operation. This gate closes the ramp from 1000pm to 600am. So, we're sure that no Zebra Mussels will sneak into the lake in the middle of the night.

Meanwhile, the original plan to have inspections of watercraft to allow access to the ramp during the day remains in limbo. Carver County has just approved inspections at Lake Minnewashta, but there are no implementation plans, the DNR has not agreed to allow inspections and no money has been allocated for this by Carver. The Christmas Lake plan included inspections at Minnewashta, but it remains to be seen if this can happen under what Carver just approved.

Also part of the original plan was the Christmas Lake Association being actively involved in managing the gated access and more importantly, paying for the gate. So far, no agreement with the Association is documented and Shorewood has paid for the gate without any authorization from City Council. This is just another example of Mayor Lizee's operating style, taking action and spending City money without Council discussion or approval. So much for "transparency."

Keep reading as this develops further.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Good reporting, Insider!

  2. I challenge anyone to drive into the boat launch and make a U-turn; taking the the parking slot closest to highway 7.

    Imagine you are pulling a trailer.
    Now try to exit.

    The city has restricted the exit driveway by 30% with a heavy metal post in the driveway. You are trapped.

  3. Update. City staff has been persuaded that the post in the driveway (comment above) was a mistake. They have promised to remove the post in the spring. A small victory !!
