Tuesday, November 22, 2011

AIS, LMCD, MCWD, DNR, LMA, CLA - Need More Acronyms?


The acronym alphabet soup that's involved in the Aquatic Invasive Species action (inaction?) continues to be stirred.

Last week the LMCD's Board approved a resolution supporting the Watershed's assumption of the lead in managing AIS. From what's reached the Insider's eyes, the LMCD will continue to be involved in AIS management on Lk Mtka and will support the MCWD in its efforts. In all, this is probably good in that the LMCD really does not have the resources or financial capability that the MCWD can muster.

Meanwhile, the MCWD's Board continues to discuss what it should be doing. Apparently, it has authorized hiring a specialist in AIS. However, at last report, the MCWD's 509 Plan (10 yr plan that states what it'll be doing) still needs a "Major Amendment" to add AIS management. So, it would appear the MCWD can position itself, but cannot really do anything right now. Plan amendments require approval of the cities in the watershed which can be a drawn out process and is no sure thing.

It's good that mother nature and her ice is about to end the AIS threat for awhile. Will the MCWD have an action plan in place and authority to act in-hand by spring? Don't bet the farm!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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