Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Border Signs - The Latest Info


The City is scrambling to recover from the installation of the eyesore Shorewood border signs. As reported previously, the signs are huge and dominate the landscape where they're installed. The Insider has learned that more than a few Shorewood residents have expressed amazement and dismay.

It seems that nobody on City staff really checked on the new sign size in the vendor quote when the order was submitted resulting in the huge signs and a bill for $1800 for what appears to be scrap metal.

Staff is working with the sign company and the Council to modify the size and it looks like new signs will be ordered at City expense. Also, according to a report at Monday night's Council Meeting, MNDOT has denied approval to install the new signs on Hwy 7 citing the slogan "A Shouthlake Community" as being advertising and being against MNDOT rules. Again, where was staff in checking the rules before ordering the signs. Appears that Zerby's zeal to get the new signs might have trumped proper due diligence.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Who is this mysterious "Staff" of which you write? Maybe Basic Signage wasn't taught in High School.

  2. One has to wonder in a city (Shorewood) that has historically been so conservative on signs, how this flew under the radar. Who is paying attention any more?

    My vote would be to go back to the basic signs. Saying we are a "South Lake Community" is unnecessary and a little arrogant.

  3. This gets better and better. How about the city sign ordinance? Anybody check that? Insider, thanks for the entertainment (at taxpayer expense of course).
