Monday, April 23, 2012

All Watercraft Must Have AIS Sticker


The Insider has seen some confusing information about the new DNR AIS sticker. Here is the real story. Bottom Line: get stickers put onto your watercraft and follow the rules listed on them!

See the DNR website at:

- All watercraft must have the new sticker (includes things like canoes and seaplanes)
- The stickers are required NOW, but citations for misdemeanor will not happen until August of 2014 (but, you can get a warning citation now!)
- Stickers are available from the DNR, all license registrars, watercraft inspectors and most larger sporting goods stores.

Maybe Shorewood will get some at City Hall?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. A sticker will certainly stop those rascally zebra mussels and milfoil from getting into Christmas lake. Oh wait, they can't read! ;-(
    Since both can be microscopic in size and carried by animals it is futile to wage this war against nature.
    And how much rent is the government paying boat-owners to lease space on their boats to post a government message? Is this a good precedent to set? Will your car or home be next? Why not? What principle are they operating on?

  2. Absolutely true on the microscopic. That it why we have to empty our bilges and dump our buckets when we leave a lake.
