Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shouth Shore Center Manager Leaving


According to the agenda for Monday night's Council Meeting, Kristi Anderson, the South Shore Center Manager (contractor) has given notice of termination of her contract as of March 31st. Readers of this blog should recall that the Center has been running increasing deficits and is projecting much lower revenues for this year.

One would assume that significantly lower commission expectations for Ms Anderson had something to do with her decision to leave.

On Monday night's agenda is a presentation by former Mayor Woody Love, representing the South Shore Senior Partners, on a ""visioning" activity the Partners are conducting. One can only speculate what might come of this.

Maybe it's time for the five cities who own the Center (Deephaven, Greenwood, Excelsior, Tonka Bay and Shorewood) to come together and get real about its future. Shorewood is the only city that's put any operating money into the center for the past three years while the other cities have taken a free ride. Some might say Shorewood volunteered for this (and they'd be correct), but how much is enough for Shorewood taxpayers?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Please assume nothing at this time Insider. The South Shore Center is a problem with no easy fix. She may have just seen the light. Everyone must all lower their expectations and look realistically at what uses it can serve.

    The city's mistake was to pay so much for management with no actual business plan. And then to stay with that contract and even increase the payment to the contractor in the light of weak sales and no performance variables was crazy.

    In addition, Ms. Anderson is now on the city council in Orono and I would be willing to bet she has discovered that is a big job and she needs to pay attention to it.

    And the Senior Partners "visioning?" Correct me if I am wrong but were they not a good portion of the problem that sent us down this road?

  2. Wood Love? Same old people, same old ideas. Nothing changes and nothing will change.

  3. Well Insider, putting Woody Love in charge of "visioning" is now getting real, it is Ground Hog Day.

    1. When Woody takes care of the Senior Center mess, then he can solve the Public Safety problem, where Shorewood is paying for a lot of Excelsior's service.
      Another one of his visions turned hellish.

  4. Who caused the problem? Was it former Mayor Bob Bean?
    What kind of thinking leads to these debacles?
    Was it the desire to "help" a particular faction at the expense of the public? Did some one think they could purchase Senior votes with tax payer money?
    Why wasn't the council skeptical enough to stop this from becoming a problem? Would they have been labeled senior-haters? How can we prevent that slogan from damaging a responsible candidate?
    How can we prevent the election of un-skeptical politicians in the future?
    These are the questions that matter.

    1. Those are great questions. Some of them could be answered by current and former councilmembers but I don't expect that will happen. That silence in itself says something doesn't it?
