Saturday, February 16, 2013

South Shore Center _Woody Love Speaks


Former Mayor, Woody Love, spoke about the South Shore Cdnter during the council meeting on Monday the 11th. The speech was more of the same from Woody and the same gang of center advocates. The senior group, SSSP, has embarked on a visioning effort and, as is often the case when people have no idea what they're doing, they've hired a consultant to help them.

The message was that Shorewood's senior population is growing and this wonderful asset is needed to support this growing population as they "age in place." One of Woody's major objectives is to get the support of one city (guess which one). No mention was made of how this wonderful effort is to be funded or how many seniors actually use the facility now.

When asked by a council member about the schedule for the visioning activity, Woody didn't know and deferred to Bob Neuman, former mayor of Greenwood and another long-time Center advocate. Neuman said there was no real timetable, but eventually he and Woody concluded that end of 1st quarter would be it. So, an effort that is of critical importance has no formal schedule. Typical for this group.

The Insider noted that one Council Member said it'd be preferable that more than one city would be in support. At least one person may be thinking that this thing looks like a setup for Shorewood's taxpayers to get stuck with an even larger bill.

View the council meeting and item 6A: at

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Woody Love has never needed facts or data to support his buzz words. Aging in place requires a lot more than a brick building without a plan. Unlike the boomers who do have a plan: to stay away from senior centers. The days of "senior centers" are on the wane.

  2. Why is a real estate agent so concerned about Seniors? Fact is, Seniors are notoriously cheap. Even if they have money, they want to save it for their kids.
    Don't expect any Seniors to use the center unless the programs are paid for by someone else, and they get free transportation to and from it.

  3. Woody "Loves" catch phrases and "aging in place" is one of them. Problem is, aging in place means more than playing bridge at a senior center. Come to think about it, doesn't "aging in place" seem counter-intuitive for a guy who makes his living from people "displacing" themselves?

    1. "Aging in place" means "I want to stay in Shorewood" which means "I want affordable housing" which means "I want high-density apartment or condo units" which means "Hey, we gotta get city water out there and do some re-zoning! It's for the Seniors!"

  4. Aha, the facade of save our "community center" that drove the nasty behavior of Mayor Lizee and probably Woody Love to take down a couple council members 3 years ago, has fallen!

    They really intended to keep it a senior center all along.

    NO surprise there.

  5. I love these comments. You never read this stuff in the local press. Anonymous postings have some value in showing that vibrant dissent exists in Shorewood.

    1. Local press is a fairly loose statement. :) (Sorry smiley face hater).
