Friday, June 28, 2013

June 24th Council Meeting


Some highlights from the 6/23 Council Meeting:

- The auditors gave their report on 2012. The City added over $130,000 to its reserve fund in 2012. This was unexpected. So what to do with this windfall? Read on.

- Public Works offered a dismal review of the City's street sweeper condition. Seems it has been in the shop for repairs almost as much as it's been on the street this year. Staff recommended buying a replacement which Council approved at a $170,000 cost (there goes the $130,000). Of note is that the planned replacement for the sweeper was 2020. The Insider wonders how long the staff has known this sweeper has been in such sad shape and that replacement parts are often unavailable. The City has a staff mechanic. Doesn't this person report equipment condition?

- Council appointed Council Member Sundberg to serve on the South Shore Center committee. Staff reported that one of the other four owner cities (unidentified at this point) had appointed a person and Greenwood had placed the item on their upcoming council agenda. The Insider is anxiously awaiting the naming of the reps from the other cities. Just the discussions in the various council meetings leading up to appointments (or lack thereof?) should be informative. Keep reading this blog for more.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Interesting - Wouldn't it have made more sense to investigate the cost to contract for services or share in the purchase with other cities e.g. Tonka Bay and/or Excelsior? I am not sure how many small communities have their own sweeper, but I am pretty sure it's not many.

  2. I bet that if someone put their mind to it, they could find a used street sweeper somewhere in the country that could be had a LOT cheaper than spending 170 thousand on a new one. Shorewood: post the specs on your web site, and the type you have and what's wrong with it, and I am sure someone would find an online solution. Make their reward 1% of the cost of a new one. Forget about Excelsior. We don't want ANY of their problems.

  3. Here is a start for the staff:
