Thursday, June 6, 2013

Parks Budget & South Shore Center


The Insider is seeing questions about the parks budget and its relationship to the South Shore Center costs. So, see the following.

The parks maintenance budget for 2013 is $153,000. Of this, $103,000 is for City staff compensation.

There is a Recreation budget for programs, etc. The total is $100,000 with $36,000 of this being for staff and $42,000 going to the park capital equipment fund.

So, totally, parks cost residents $253,000. This is about 5% of the total City expenditures.

Note that the parks costs are before subtracting revenues the City receives from sports teams, program participants, etc.

The South Shore Center cost the City $60,000 (after subtracting the revenues) in 2012, $47,000 more than budgeted. None of this is in the above parks numbers.

Of note is that supporting the Center would add 24% to the total parks cost.

So, take the Center costs out of existing parks budget? This'd cause major cuts in the parks system. Fold the Center into the Parks budget and increase taxes? Maybe.

The Insider would like to hear from readers if they think spending 24% of what is spent on the entire park system on the Center alone is how they'd prioritize.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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