Wednesday, August 21, 2013

South Shore Center - Advisory Commission Progress?


So far the Advisory Commission has had two meetings. The rep for Excelsior did not attend the first meeting. All the owner cities did have reps at the second meeting.

Other than discussing some background, it seems the first meeting (see minutes at: only resulted in deciding to have the second one. Of course Mayor Zerby, who is not on the commission, but must feel he has to be in control, suggested a consultant should be retained. This is the usual cop-out approach taken to Center issues and is likely to prove not useful without a strong commitment from the cities. The Insider does not see a strong commitment.

The minutes from the second meeting are yet not posted. It seems that city reps agreed to poll their councils about direction and come back for a third meeting yet this month. Maybe some of the cities will "come clean" as to their interest in the center operations in the future. So far, it appears the idea that because there is a building, so something great must be done with it doesn't resonate with all the cities.

Meanwhile, Shorewood has its draft budget supporting the Center in 2014 as the City has so far in 2013. This amounts to taxpayers spending $60,000 to keep it open.

Stay tuned.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Thanks for the minutes, Insider.

    I say sell. Nobody seems to want to be the bette noire here and I am sick of reading about this.

    Mayor Skrede is right-they are barking up the wrong tree.

    Fish or cut bait. But no more high-paid consultants.

  2. After reading the minutes, can't help but think we have been here before and before and before. The conversation reflected appears lackluster and pointless, only Deephaven and Greenwood seem to speak with any certainty and it appears they are certain they aren't paying for what they don't use.

  3. So the Mayor says "seniors need a place to go." Who are those seniors?" What is their average age? How many of them are there? And what is that "place" they want to go? Does anyone have these answers?

  4. Insider, how inside are you? Just read about some Shorewood bond deal for Senior Housing in CHASKA!? Also, Zerby wants to take out sports areas at badger park to accommodate a green area next to the Senior Center?

    1. It would help the "insider" if you cited your sources. Where did you read it, what edition, etc? Let's not send the insider on a wild goose chase or have him/her responding to mere gossip.

  5. Article in the local paper on the "Campus", and a public notice in the paper on a public hearing for the bonds.
