Saturday, August 24, 2013

South Shore Center Commission


Shorewood has scheduled a third Commission meeting for Tuesday, 8/27 at 5:00 PM in the Shorewood City Hall. The agenda and draft minutes from the second meeting are now on Shorewood's website at:

The Insider's read of the minutes gives rise to the feeling that Shorewood is the only owner city with any real interest in doing something with the Center (with most of this coming from Mayor Zerby and his wife). The rest committed to discuss it with their respective councils, but they seem to be looking for some outside agency to come to the rescue (like MCES?).

The gist appears to be let's fill up the building with users. So, the real objective seems to be to find a use for a building (of course, Shorewood would like to get out from under bearing all the expenses). The Insider muses that the approach is like owning an empty garage and deciding it needs a car to fill it.

Tuesday night should bring some clarity.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. One set of minutes indicates the SSC faces a lot of competition for rentals. Let it be known: The SSC is not a competitor. It is small, outdated, low tech and has terrible parking.

  2. But...what if it was part of a lovely Shorewood campus?!

  3. The Zerby's should start an endowment to fund the future of the SSC. Everybody wins!
