Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Blog Returns


It's been awhile since the last post, but it doesn't mean nothing is happening inside Shorewood.

Council has managed to get itself into a fight with residents of the Summit Rd. The neighbors are opposing a Planned Unit Development proposing to place four new homes along Summit Rd, claiming the substandard street width and a host of other supposed local problems make the PUD unsuitable for their street. Many of those opposed are Chanhassen residents living on Hummingbird which is the Chanhassen side of Summit Rd.

Anyway, Council voted to deny the PUD request late last year (as recommended by the Planning Commission) with Zerby, Woodruff and Hotvet in support of denial. At Council's December meeting, the matter was on the agenda again. This time to formally pass a resolution of denial. When it came to a vote, Hotvet changed her mind and the PUD was approved 3 to 2 with Zerbty and Woodruff dissenting. Why did Hotvet change her mind? We'll probably never know, but one can ponder on the fact that her friend Siakel voted in favor twice.

Meanwhile, the neighbors have organized and hired an attorney. Looks like rough discussions ahead for the Council.

The League of Women Voters held its "Lively Issues" session this week. The Mayors of Deephaven, Excelsior, Greenwood, Shorewood, Tonka Bay and Woodland were invited to answer questions posed by the League. Of particular interest was a question about interest in merging cities. Reportedly, Zerby indicated interest in merging with Excelsior. Excelsior's Mayor said his council wasn't really on board with the idea. Tonka Bay, Greenwood and Deepaven Mayors indicated no interest in their cities. so, once again, Zerby is flogging this dying horse, urging it to enter a race few (none?) want to be involved in. It seems his getting "A Southlake Community" on the signs welcoming those traveling on streets entering Shorewood is not welcoming enough to make his vision an actuality. The Insider wonders if Shorewood residents reading this blog really want Zerby spending time on this.

There are openings on the Parks and Planning Commissions as well as on the LMCC and LMCD. Interest of residents is underwhelming with perhaps only one candidate indicating interest. If readers have any interest in moving Shorewood forward and how city government works, contact City Hall soon.

Happy reading!
The Insider


  1. Woody Love started the merger idea without any numbers to support his dream, his legacy continued on through Mayor Lizee who like her mentor, paid little attention to numbers, and now we have the trifecta, Mayor Zerby who seems to think it is a good idea to continue his heros' call for a merger. But, if asked, he will not provide any numbers to show how this would financially benefit Shorewood. And he never will.

  2. Shorewood is a low-density, single-family residential community. No vision is needed here- not for high-density housing, not for quirky PUDs, not for Senior Centers, not for a merger with a neighboring town (even if it is a "destination city"), and not for trails. All that is required of the council is the due diligence needed to provide for necessary city services. Life could be so simple...

  3. I was stunned by the comment that our recycling program has been "wildly successful". If I recall, our rates tripled and we got 1/2 the service (every other week).
    I suspect if we merge with Excelsior, our taxes will only double while services drop again. In Zerby-land, that would be "super, super, wildly successful".

    1. Clarification: the recycle change happened between billing dates 31 Dec 2009 and 31 Mar 2010. It went from $5.25 to $13.50. More than double but not quite triple the cost for half the service. I just want to be accurate. ;-)

  4. Excelsior is the last city I would want to merge with. Zerby is nuts as were the last 2 mayors. We would end up paying more for everything because we would have to absorb Excelsior's problems and we would get fewer services and poor service on what we already get.

    Tonka Bay, Greenwood and Deephaven are wise to steer clear. Residents beware! Those of us who have been on the inside have seen it first hand. Do not go down this road!

  5. Did we see the article in Wednesday morning's paper about Excelsior wanting an additional food and beverage tax so they can make the renovations to their commons area, etc?

    Were we a merged community we would have to ante up for this. A sales/user tax is a more equitable means of taking care of this problem. Not laying the burden on the citizenry of the area. I pity anyone who actually is trying to live in Excelsior.

    And did anyone notice the vacancy rate in downtown?

  6. Watch the hotel people push things further with a TIF proposal which the council will approve. After all, Excelsior is a destination city, right? And the library is looking more and more like a relic from the sixties. No one reads books anymore- its all electronic. And where is the grocery store someone promised to get variances and the destruction of two residential houses? The Excelsior mayor has lived in the town all of ten years and is ruining it as best he can. We have to at least make sure that Shorewood's visionary council doesn't tie us up to this sinking ship.

  7. The threat of merging with Excelsior may actually be the issue that causes Shorewood voters to get their heads out of their butts and pay attention to who they vote for.
