Friday, February 7, 2014

Shorewood's Council Retreats


On Saturday, the 8th, Council and staff will meet at the Public Safety building for an all-day "retreat." The objective seems to be to allow some detailed discussion of topics brought forward by staff and council members. This meeting is open to the public and starts at 8:30 A.M.

Some items on the agenda are:
- The future of the South Shore Center
- Public Works staffing level
- Trails
- Partnering For Services
- Organized trash collection

The Insider hopes some of you, the readers, will attend since it's expected this meeting will not be recorded for TV and the web.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to slog out there. But a handful of "trailers" probably will, and a few Senior advocates too. Team Excelsior will call this a mandate (the real purpose of the event) and so justify pressing forward with their expensive pet projects that the vast majority of residents oppose. I have a better idea. How about the Council fanning out and knocking on doors to find out what REALLY concerns the average Shorewood resident?
