Thursday, July 14, 2011

Breaking News - tonkaconnect fiber optic project on YouTube!



The LMCC/tonkaconnect folks have just posted this link to information about their upcoming vote to authorize doing a business plan and financial model for the fiber optic network.

According to the tonkaconnect website at, on the "What's Happening?" tab, the LMCC has sent DVD copies of this video to all council members and LMCC Commissioners in the 17 LMCC member cities.

As reported below, Shorewood's Council has already voted 4 to 1 against approving the project. The Insider has heard from residents of Shorewood and other cities around the area that this vote was "narrow-minded" while some described it in ways the Insider won't repeat here.

Readers may recall that Lizee and Zerby were enthusiastic about spending $15 million on 4 miles of trail along County Rd 19. Now they've voted against doing some professional planning, using about $50,000 of LMCC's own non-tax dollars, for an infrastructure project that would benefit every resident, business, public safety group, school, library and other entity for decades to come.

Doesn't make any sense to the Insider. Does it to you?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. The council vote was not based on the merits of the proposal. It was instead a transparent, mean-spirited attack on Dick Woodruff, who has been a champion of the effort to give the area a fiber optic network. I believe Lizee and Zerby (and apparently the two newcomers), would vote against an effort to protect baby Pandas if it was proposed by one of their political rivals! In their political philosophy, you are either 100% in agreement on everything, or an enemy to be punished. How sad.

  2. Lomah has it right about the childish behavior of Lizee and Zerby. Zerby claims to be a technology wizzard and yet he turns down the chance to take Shorewood into the 21st Century? There can be no other explanation than a Woodruff vendetta.

    Encourage the newcomers to make decisions based on information, not relationships.

  3. I am one of many residents who would welcome a fiber network. Mediacom's service is pathetic, outages are common in our neighborhood and I would not consider for any price adding internet or phone to my already over-priced and unreliable cable service from Mediacom. And their marketing to "upgrade" is relentless.

    I heard there was a study done. Nobody asked me nor did they inquire of anyone on our neighborhood that we know of. We all feel the same way. We have friends on the East Coast who brag about their FIOS all the time and I am sick of hearing about it.
