Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Resident Weighs In On Gate At Christmas Lake Launch


The Insider just received the following. Obviously, Mr. Wellens, an ex-Shorewood Council Member, disagree's with Mayor Lizee's campaign to get a gate installed no matter what the DNR says.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:29 PM
Subject: Commissioner Tom Landwehr
DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr:                                                July 25, 2011   
I respectfully request that your agency deny the request of local cities (Shorewood) and agencies (Minnehaha Creek Watershed District) as they seek to deny the public access to public lakes (Christmas Lake).
DNR employee Rachel Hintzman, P&T Area Supervisor, is already on record criticizing their scheme and writing: “Gates would render the accesses closed to the public and you can’t force anyone to have their boat inspected.” Shorewood City Attorney Tim Keane told the Council bluntly “The city does not have the authority to act unilaterally. The authority rests with the DNR.”  
Yet both agencies have voted to allocate funds and proceed without getting DNR approval in advance. That defiance of DNR authority deserves a strong response.  I have already been published twice condemning their lawless actions and supporting DNR authority and a lawful process.
I request the DNR issue a letter or go to court for an injunction stopping these lawless entities and protecting DNR authority. I would appreciate being copied on those actions.
Martin R. Wellens
4755 Lakeway Terrace
Shorewood, MN 55331-9367

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% It is unlawful to prevent public access to a public lake and what they are doing is using the zebra muscle issue as leverage to advance their personal agenda which to me appears to be to restrict public access to the lake they live on essentially trying to privatize a public lake.

    Jason Berg
