Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Farm Animals Next Door?


Worried about your neighbor having a herd of goats? What about chickens and pigs running around the neighborhood? Couldn't happen in Shorewood? Read on.

Shorewood's Council did a review of animal ordinances a few weeks ago. Council members were informed that nothing in City code prohibits cows, sheep, goats, chickens, etc. In fact, no license is needed to have pigs on your property and no limit to their numbers exists. The only control in City code now is for dogs and horses.

Council directed the Planning Commission to look at the animal ordinances and make recommendations back to council. Watch upcoming Planning Commission agendas for these discussions.

Note that many cities allow chickens, but usually no roosters.

If you have an opinion about having animals in Shorewood yards, the Insider suggests you send an email to the Planning Director, Brad Nielsen, at You opinion counts! You can also send your thoughts to and the Insider will post them in this blog.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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