Friday, December 9, 2011

Council Personnel Committee - What?


Mulling over what's happened since the "new" Council was seated in January, the Insider recalls the creation of the Personnel Committee.

Mayor Lizee proposed this new committee in January, nominated herfelf and Debbie Siakel as the committee members from Council, and the Mayor's "new" Council promptly approved. Looking back, the Insider cannot come up with anything that defines the duties of this new committee nor what it's done in the past 11 months.

The Insider knows, from multiple sources within City staff, that this committee has met numerous times. Yet, there's nary a whisper of a public report to Council and the Shorewood public about what it's done or doing.

Obviously, the Mayor does not think her "transparency" pledge applies or that she owes any right of oversight to the Council.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Not a bad idea. For instance, do all profession staff members have professional accreditation in their fields, i.e. AICP for city planning?

  2. Insider, you may have answered your own question on this one. Review your post of Thursday, October 27, 2011. Maybe those staffing changes fall under the purview of the personnel committee.

  3. There seems to be a pattern of interesting comments on this blog pointing toward the planning department. It begs the obvious question: is there something residents should know?
