Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Organics Recycling - Update


The Insider has been sorting through various unfinished Shorewood Council business and the topic of organics recycling turned up.

Readers may recall that the Council authorized staff to apply for a County grant to support a pilot program. Further, this grant was awarded during the summer. Things were very quite until at the last Council Meeting Administrator Heck reported that staff is working with two potential contractors. He also reported that the program would be voluntary.

The Insider's wonders when the Council will be given any details and options to consider. Perhaps, the whole program will spring forth, fully formed, without any formal Council discussion as to how it will operate, etc. This wouldn't surprise the Insider since Mayor Lizee's track record is to work on such programs behind the scenes and then put a final decision on an agenda bypassing any intermediate discussion. Recall that she did this with the now dead attempt to create a new JPA for management of AIS.

Again, where is the "transparency" that Lizee, Hotvet and Siakel promised in their election campaign?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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