Monday, December 12, 2011

MCWD - 12/8 Meeting and AIS


As previously reported here, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board held a meeting on 12/8 during which AIS was discussed. The Insider has the following from people who attended. Minutes from the meeting were not on the MCWD's web site as of the time of this posting.

Zebra mussel presence was monitored during the year and they're in the lower and upper lakes and also, below the dam. The high densities are in the lower lake with some sites at over 90,000 mussels per meter squared.

The Christmas Lk weevil experiment was mentioned and spun as something of a learning experience with plans to hire some sort of consultant to try again in 2012. As previously reported here, the Insider knows the 2011 work was a failure.

Lots of discussion about a "comprehensive AIS plan." It was clear that all the Board members aren't enthusiastic about the MCWD taking over AIS in the watershed. There was talk of a never ending project and unsupportable costs. There was even an exchange focusing on how the non-lake residents would benefit with some hand waving that implied that there were, of course, such benefits.

Support from the watershed cities is mixed. Interestingly, Minneapolis and  Edina have not weighed in. Plymouth has said they will not take a position, Mound has voted against and some others are on the fence.

The Board finally agreed to have staff prepare a plan and a draft budget for activities in 2012. This is to be discussed on 12/29. Also, the Board approved working with Carver County on an inspection program that Carver has said it'd like to develop, but which it hasn't funded ($30,000 appears to be the cost). Seems MCWD is willing to spend something like $15,000 to support Carver in their project. It's really a poor bargaining strategy for MCWD to go on record that it'll subsidize someone else's project. How hard would you work to find funding if you were Carver County if you knew you had a patsy who has the itch to spend?

Watch this blog for more after the 12/29 meeting.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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