Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blog Readership Up!


The recent uptick in blog readership is fantastic.

If you like reading the blog, tell your friends to read too. If you don't like it, tell your friends to read it and criticize. Above all, comment. The Insider and other readers want to know your opinion too.

Your comments are published as written unless there is blatant defamatory content or there is something all of us would consider as Spam such as advertising.

The Insider does provide the Insider's viewpoints and editorializes to make a point. This is what blogs are all about. Just facts and no color commentary would make this as sterile as the "Star and Tribune"

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, January 26, 2012

South Shore Center Agreement Busts Budget


A previous post reported that a new agreement for operating the South Shore Center was being negotiated. The operator is Community Rec Resources who is really Kristi Anderson, a person whose been working as a contractor for the City for many years. In 2011, Kristi was the "staff" person working with the Parks Commission, the one who worked with sports teams on field scheduling as well as managing the Center.
Kristi is also one of the "buddies" of Mayor Lizee and Council Member Zerby.

On 1/23 the new agreement was approved  4 to 1 (Woodruff voting no). The Insider listened to Woodruff's objections (see and click on agenda item 10C). The Insider then did some calculations of the new deal's potential affect on the 2012 budget. Having done this, it's clear why, in part, Woodruff objected.

The budget assumed a CCR cost of $60,000, but with incentives and revenue reaching the budgeted amount, the total cost would be at least $75,000. So, instead of a budgeted tax dollar subsidy to the Center in 2012 of $13,600 the subsidy should be budgeted at $28,600 (of your tax dollars), indicating a $15,000 additional subsidy needed. Of course, Mayor Lizee and her 3 council buddies chose to ignore the additional cost and the budget shortfall it causes. These folks are really good at spending your tax dollars!

As previously predicted, the savings from assigning the non-Center work done by CCR in 2011 to in-house staff for 2012 now have been neatly eliminated by increasing the CCR pay for 2012. Yes, there's some hand waving about CCR being more able to market the Center, but is this work needing to be done? The Insider asks because the community survey showed low usage by Shorewood residents and low interest in the Center in general. So, if you don't want it, why should you be paying someone to convince you you actually do want it?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shorewood Financial Services for Excelsior


As mentioned in a previous post, Shorewood has been discussing providing financial services to Excelsior. Apparently, this has gone a lot farther than Shorewood's Council has been told.

This week's "LakeShore Weekly News" says that Excelsior's council has approved some major staffing changes to result in significant savings and also, that Shorewood will provide financial services at an annual cost of $19,000.

Brian Heck, Shorewood's Administrator, has been reporting that he has been working on a deal and recently said he would provide details to Shorewood's council in February. It seems to the Insider that telling the council, which must authorize any deal, what is already agreed to by Excelsior, after the fact is backwards. What if Shorewood's council doesn't like the deal Excelsior has approved? Having already announced staffing changes based on the Shorewood deal, Excelsior would be hung out to dry and likely would be pretty upset with Shorewood.

Of course, the deal may already be pre-approved by Mayor Lizee and her three council-member friends. The Insider gives this a high probability since recent council decisions mostly have been preceded by little or no substantive discussion in council meetings and Lizee and her three friends voting as a block in favor.

So much for "transparency" and "openness" from Lizee and her council friends.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Community Survey - Read It On-Line


The City has posted the survey on its website. See:

As noted in a prior post, the consultant that conducted the survey will present the results at the council work session on February 13th starting at 600pm at City Hall. It'd be great to have lots of residents in the audience!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Community Survey Results


Late last year Shorewood hired a national firm to do a community survey by mail. The firm suggested questions based on its previous experience and the Council and staff made changes to customize the questions to Shorewood. Over 1300 surveys were randomly mailed and more than 600 were returned for an excellent 47% response rate. The survey had a confidence level of at least 95% due to the excellent response rate.

The survey report was released last week and the Insider has some observations below. Those readers who want to hear about the results directly from the survey firm should come to the 2/14/12 council work session at 600pm at City Hall.

The Insider hears that the survey results will be posted on the City's website sometime soon.

First, the survey was compared to cities across the US and to cities of population of 10,000 or less. Shorewood ranked very high in almost all categories. Quality of life and similar measures were high. Generally, one might conclude that Shorewood is doing a good to very good job of meeting the expectations and needs of its residents. So, Shorewood might focus on how to make things even better and need to spend less time fixing things.

So, what are some of the more startling results?
- 13% have never visited a park and 28% more have only visited once or twice
- 39% have never used the Shorewood website and 33% more have only used it once or twice
- 64% have never participated in a recreation activity and 22% more have done so once or twice
- 70% have never used the South Shore Center and another 24% have used it only once or twice
- 76% have never attended a meeting of local elected officials and another 18% have done so once or twice

The Insider points out that the first four areas questioned above are all ones where the City has been spending lots of time and money. So, one needs to question if this should continue. Also, the last one indicates that residents are not engaged in what's happening with their government. One should not assume residents don't care, but rather that they don't feel a need to be engaged.

What happens next? The Council needs to decide how to use the results. It has said it wants to set priorities and budgets based on the survey results. The Insider notes that some of the results may be "inconvenient" as regards some closely held existing priorities. For example, the low usage of the South Shore Center begs the question of how much effort and money should be spent on it. However, this spending has been a major focus for Mayor Lizee and Council Member Zerby. One thing for sure, the discussions will be fun to watch and report on.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, January 12, 2012

City Staff Job Performance vs. Comepnsation


"Lisa" commented that she'd had a good experience when renewing her dog's license at City Hall. Great and as it should be!

The Insider wants to point out that the recent blog on compensation was about the amount staff is being paid, not how they're performing in their jobs (although, performance is involved and there may be some issues).

The City is paying some staff at what is the highest rates in the Twin Cities. The policy is to pay competitive wages for acceptable performance. Paying excessively is a waste of taxpayer money and just causes equity problems within the staff. Suppose employee X is rated as acceptable performance and is paid near the average of what other cities pay for the same job. Then, employee Y, also performing at an acceptable level, is paid at the maximum of their pay range and way above their peers in other cities. Is it fair to X that Y gets the max and X only gets the market average? Of course not.

The Insider hears comments that certain staff are "nice" or similar and this is used as justification for high pay. The Insider maintains that "nice" is usually a job requirement. Not being "nice" should be a problem needing correction. "Nice" as a reason for high pay is usually just covering up someone's way to show favorable treatment to someone who they like or to whom they owe some favor.

Happy Reading!
The Insder

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shorewood Needs You! - On a Commission


Shorewood has two Parks Commissioner and two Planning Commissioner slots up for appointment. These are three-year appointments to these important commissions which do much of the hard work leading up to the City Council taking actions.

The Insider passionately encourages residents to apply for these openings by sending a note of interest and a short bio to Brian Heck at city hall and

There will be competition from commissioners who are seeking re-appointment. Both Parks Commissioners are re-applying and one of the Planning Commissioners is re-applying. Will new applicants get a fair shake? The Insider has seen evidence of the Mayor stacking the deck with her supporters, but the Insider suggests that residents who are independent thinkers and committed to the city apply anyway. The city needs your unbiased help.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

City's Pay Policy - Broken?


Thanks to Shorewoodian Resident who sent in a comment mentioning the City's non-union pay changes that were on last night's Council agenda.

In 2006, then Mayor Woody Love, Chris Lizee and the others on council hired a consultant to review and make recommendations regarding non-union compensation policy. By the end of 2006, all non-union jobs were examined, pay rates changed and the consultant recommended implementing a pay-for-performance compensation system. Mayor Love, Lizee and the others agreed.

The result was, in most cases, big pay increases for non-union staff starting in 2007. Of course, the messy details of implementing the performance system and a new compensation policy were not addressed. So, the City decided to abandon the old way of giving what amounted to annual cost of living raises, but did not setup the new way.

Finally, in 2009, and with no leadership from now Mayor Lizee, the council established a performance review system. This was followed in 2010 with finalization of a compensation policy that essentially said that non-union employees who were performing at expectations were to be paid in a range that was slightly above the average in the Twin Cities for their job type. Those who exceeded expectations could be paid above the average, but would be capped at something approximating the highest pay in the Cities.

So, what happened last night (based on information provided to the Insider by those who were in the council meeting)?

Two employees, already at the top of their pay range were given lump sums of 1.5% and 2%, without any justification as to why. One employee who is rated as achieving expectations was given a raise to the maximum pay plus, a lump sum of $538. Again, with no justification. A fourth employee, rated achieving expectations, was given a 1.5% lump sum without justification, even though they were already paid $10,000 per year more than the maximum for their job!

The Insider's conclusions are that Mayor Lizee, who defended the pay changes, disagrees with the compensation policy, but just wants to ignore it rather than change it. And, she is rewarding her friends in City Hall at the expense of you, the Shorewood taxpayers.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Predictions


So, here we are at the 1st anniversary of the ShorewoodInsider blog and the start of a new year. It's time for some Insider predictions for 2012.

- The City Administrator, Brian Heck, will be forced to resign or will be fired by mid-year. He will be replaced by Craig Dawson, who resigned under pressure four years ago and who has not found full-time work since.

- The tax levy will go up for the first time in four years by 2 to 4%. Taxpayers will not get any more service for this increase

- The City will start doing engineering and planning work for Excelsior and Tonka Bay and also, probably public works too. The business deals will have loopholes and poorly defined performance measures such that Shorewood will suffer financial loss and the other cities will be unhappy with the arrangements

- Mayor Lizee and her council mates will approve a plan to install city water everywhere in the city sticking taxpayers with the unwanted bill

- Operation of the South Shore Center will develop into a debacle. The South Shore Senior Partners will want out of their "rental" agreement, but will want to keep using the Center. Kristi Anderson who manages the Center on contract will threaten to quit if she does not get more money and Mayor Lizee will make sure the dollars flow. At the end of the year, the operating loss will be closer to $50,000 than the $13,000 taxpayer subsidy forecast by the City in November of 2011

- Mayor Lizee and her team on Council will find more ways to be "leaders" in the management of Aquatic Invasive Species, resulting in the unplanned expenditure of $ thousands as "partnerships" are formed. This includes un-budgeted spending on boat inspections at the Christmas Lake boat ramp. Watch for Lizee to work significant dollars into the budget for 2013 aimed at supporting Dick Osgood's $3 million effort to do chemical milfoil treatment on all of Lake Minnetonka

- Work on trails will hit a wall when the City tries to get construction easements from residents where the City does not have adequate right of way

- Lizee will run for and win a 4th term as mayor unless the voters of Shorewood wake up and finally realize that the only leadership that's been evident in Lizee's first 6 years as Mayor has come from others, not from her

Don't forget that you can send posts and email to the Insider at blog,

Finally, tell you friends and enemies to read the blog too.

Happy Reading!
The Insider