Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Predictions


So, here we are at the 1st anniversary of the ShorewoodInsider blog and the start of a new year. It's time for some Insider predictions for 2012.

- The City Administrator, Brian Heck, will be forced to resign or will be fired by mid-year. He will be replaced by Craig Dawson, who resigned under pressure four years ago and who has not found full-time work since.

- The tax levy will go up for the first time in four years by 2 to 4%. Taxpayers will not get any more service for this increase

- The City will start doing engineering and planning work for Excelsior and Tonka Bay and also, probably public works too. The business deals will have loopholes and poorly defined performance measures such that Shorewood will suffer financial loss and the other cities will be unhappy with the arrangements

- Mayor Lizee and her council mates will approve a plan to install city water everywhere in the city sticking taxpayers with the unwanted bill

- Operation of the South Shore Center will develop into a debacle. The South Shore Senior Partners will want out of their "rental" agreement, but will want to keep using the Center. Kristi Anderson who manages the Center on contract will threaten to quit if she does not get more money and Mayor Lizee will make sure the dollars flow. At the end of the year, the operating loss will be closer to $50,000 than the $13,000 taxpayer subsidy forecast by the City in November of 2011

- Mayor Lizee and her team on Council will find more ways to be "leaders" in the management of Aquatic Invasive Species, resulting in the unplanned expenditure of $ thousands as "partnerships" are formed. This includes un-budgeted spending on boat inspections at the Christmas Lake boat ramp. Watch for Lizee to work significant dollars into the budget for 2013 aimed at supporting Dick Osgood's $3 million effort to do chemical milfoil treatment on all of Lake Minnetonka

- Work on trails will hit a wall when the City tries to get construction easements from residents where the City does not have adequate right of way

- Lizee will run for and win a 4th term as mayor unless the voters of Shorewood wake up and finally realize that the only leadership that's been evident in Lizee's first 6 years as Mayor has come from others, not from her

Don't forget that you can send posts and email to the Insider at blog,

Finally, tell you friends and enemies to read the blog too.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Ok, so of all the people following this blog (note the number of page views), no one has a comment? If you are pro-council you should be outraged that the Insider takes such license with the facts, if you are against the current council and any one of these items has validity, are you asleep?

    This blog is the one place we have for a community discussion. Our newspapers are worthless, the city newsletter says nothing. This is an election year, if you care enough to read the blog, grow a pair and make a comment.

    Don't leave it up to a few to be your mouthpiece.

  2. I can't encourage everyone enough to start paying attention. Read the latest Council packet ..
    View the staff salaries - see their performance ratings and who got a raise (remember Lizee and Siakel are the personnel committee), read the new proposal regarding making Eureka Rd No. an MSA route - Meetings to review a 20-year water/road project start in February. Lizee eliminates an oversite committee on the SSC so it can operate at a $50k loss ... Senseless !!

  3. Who is this "Lizee" person? Where did she come from? What does she want with us?

    1. She's our mayor. Not sure where she is originally from. Suppose she wants you to stand up for what you believe in and volunteer for a commission, but you should email her and ask for sure. Bet she will email back.

    2. I think the comment to which you have replied was tongue-in-cheek.

  4. How excactly does the "Insider" get the impresion that the city administrator will be gone by mid-year? Has there been any discussion at Council regarding their dissatisfaction with his job performance? If so, I haven't seen it. I do recall an executive session where Council reviewed his performance, but no details were provided about that meeting. I wonder how the administrator would feel if a council member were providing information that was part of an executive session?
