Saturday, January 21, 2012

Community Survey - Read It On-Line


The City has posted the survey on its website. See:

As noted in a prior post, the consultant that conducted the survey will present the results at the council work session on February 13th starting at 600pm at City Hall. It'd be great to have lots of residents in the audience!

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Definitions:
    Good - satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree.
    Fair - neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good

    There is little distinction between those words. How individuals themselves define those terms has a huge impact on the results. Good to one person may mean "just OK" while to another may mean just short of excellent. Using ambiguous wording leads to ambiguous results. A more honest approach is to allow a respondent more choices on a numeric scale (i.e. 1 to 10).
    In any case, our lazy "leaders" will interpret these results as they see fit and use it as cover to make the decisions they were going to make in the first place. This simply allows them to claim that they are doing what their constituents want.

  2. I was a survey taker. I know the difference between good and fair if that matters. I hate 1-10 scales! They are way too broad.

  3. Read the Survey -- Make your own conclusions - but when 44% "don't know" in addition to the 7% that ranked transparency and accountability as "poor .. and 57% of those surveyed felt they were slightly or not well informed, shouldn't the City be concentrating more on these issues vs. helping Excelsior fix their budget? Cable TV service was rated lowest in services, yet Council decided it didn't want to look into fiber optics. Shouldn't improving the quality of services to Shorewood taxpayers be the priority?
