Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shorewood Financial Services for Excelsior


As mentioned in a previous post, Shorewood has been discussing providing financial services to Excelsior. Apparently, this has gone a lot farther than Shorewood's Council has been told.

This week's "LakeShore Weekly News" says that Excelsior's council has approved some major staffing changes to result in significant savings and also, that Shorewood will provide financial services at an annual cost of $19,000.

Brian Heck, Shorewood's Administrator, has been reporting that he has been working on a deal and recently said he would provide details to Shorewood's council in February. It seems to the Insider that telling the council, which must authorize any deal, what is already agreed to by Excelsior, after the fact is backwards. What if Shorewood's council doesn't like the deal Excelsior has approved? Having already announced staffing changes based on the Shorewood deal, Excelsior would be hung out to dry and likely would be pretty upset with Shorewood.

Of course, the deal may already be pre-approved by Mayor Lizee and her three council-member friends. The Insider gives this a high probability since recent council decisions mostly have been preceded by little or no substantive discussion in council meetings and Lizee and her three friends voting as a block in favor.

So much for "transparency" and "openness" from Lizee and her council friends.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Can the council legally do that? What if they authorized city staff to do the books for Dunn Bros Coffee?

  2. Lizee and Siakel are the "personnel committee" - perhaps they should spend more time evaluating their own city? If staff has extra time to be contracted out, perhaps Shorewoood is either over-staffed, or they're under-utilized. Lizee should spend less time recruiting new artists for Excelsior's Art on the Lake and her re-election campaign material, provide some leadership, and concentrate on fixing the short-comings outlined in the citizen survey.
