Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trails - Epidemic of Common Sense


Seems Mayor Lizee and council members Hotvet, Siakel and Zerby have been infected with common sense regarding the cost of implementing the Trail Plan. View the meeting of 2/13 at  for the details.

Zerby now says spending $1.8 million for trails is "ludicrous", Hotvet thinks the costs are the "scariest" issue, Lizee says the $1.8 million is not committed and Siakel is now disturbed by the idea of spending $1.8 million.

This is the same group of folks who voted in favor of the 2012 capital budget that earmarked $1.8 million for the trails despite hearing council member Woodruff raise the same issues during budget approval discussions that these four have now belatedly discovered.

So, what's next?

Watching the meeting, one gets the impression of watching someone with their hair on fire. Lizee and buddies seem to be frantically searching for someone to give them the answer to the conrundrum of having an approved a plan that they now think they cannot fund. Lizee wants to send the mess to the Trail Committee or the Parks Commission. The Insider thinks these groups have done their jobs. They analyzed the needs (so to speak) and told the Council what they recommended. Council can't dump the lack of funding back on the commissions. Funding and strategy are council's responsibility.

Stay tuned as Lizee and buddies have to decide how much trails are worth.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

AIS - Shorewood's Next Steps?


The issue of AIS control at Christmas Lake boat ramp continues to be discussed at City Hall. Seems Mayor Lizee and Council Member Zerby have appointed themselves as a council committee and are holding meetings with the Watershed and others. The Mayor's approach to government continues to be for her to decide what to do and present a take it or leave it conclusion to council for prefunctry approval after the fact.

Most recently, the Mayor announced that SLMPD would train its Community Service Officers on AIS identification and enforcement of state law. This is good, but what about the rest of the SLMPD officers? They're the ones on the streets seeing boats, trailers, boatlifts and other equipment being transported through Shorewood.

To the insider, the CSO training is just lip service. Of course, Mayor Lizee and Chief Litsey can point to it as their being committed (but not too committed).

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Can't Hear You


In January, council member Zerby said a third video camera was needed in the council chamber. Council member Woodruff said he'd agree, but only if a microphone to catch audience comments was included in the installation. Council voted to have staff make this happen.

So, what's happened? So far, nothing.

If readers of this blog question the importance of the microphone, just watch the video of the 2/13 council meeting ( Huge portions of the video are illuminated by barely audible mumbles of comments from the audience.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Monday, February 20, 2012

Speeding Along


The Insider often hears residents complain about speeders in their neighborhoods. Recently, it's been on Yellowstone Tr., in the Shady Hills Area, Covington Rd. and at the 2/13 council meeting, Country Club Rd. What amazes the Insider is that residents expressed a strong feeling of safety in the resident survey while still complaining that it's not safe to go to their mailbox.

See: for the video of the council meeting and watch the Matters From The Floor segment.

So why no more speed enforcement? Well, it's up to SLMPD and the Coordinating Committee that runs it to set priorities on speed enforcement. The only real influence Shorewood has is what Mayor Lizee says since she alone represents the City and reports nothing back to council.

In the past, when Chief Litsey was trying to add staff, he was asked if more officers would mean more traffic enforcement. His answer was, no.

Residents who want more enforcement should lobby the Mayor or, ask council to give SLMPD extra funding for special enforcement. It appears it'll never come as part of the huge cost the City already bears.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Excess Staff?


The City offered engineering and planning services to Tonka Bay. However, Tonka Bay elected to hire WSB, an engineering and consulting firm, to provide these services. So, the Insider wonders what happens next.

Seems obvious that if the City can offer to do work for others (as was the case too with Excelsior and finance services which Excelsior accepted) that there must be extra engineering and planning staff hours in Shorewood's City Hall. Will Mayor Lizee and her council buddies have the courage to adjust staffing? It'd be the right thing to do for the taxpayers.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reminder: City Survey Presentation On Monday


Remember, the presentation of the recent City survey results will happen at the Council work session Monday night. It's 600pm at City Hall. The consultant will present the results to the Council.

Why is this important? Well, Mayor Lizee and her and of council buddies have repeatedly stated that they want to know what you, the residents, want from them as a council. The survey was to be a key step in determining the "wants." Now, Lizee has to act on what she and her buddies have been told. The Insider wonders if these folks have the courage to do so.

You can read a summary of the survey results and view the entire results at:

The Insder wants to see lots of you at the meeting on Monday and challenging the Council to act on what you said in the survey.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Christmas Lake AIS Gate - The Saga Continues


As previously reported, the gate closing off the boat ramp at Christmas Lake was installed by Shorewood. Meanwhile, there is no agreement with the Christmas Lake Association as to how the gate will be used, who pays for it and its maintenance and what happens the first time some disgruntled boater teras the gate arm off.

The Insider knows that Mayor Lizee, Administrator Heck and the MCWD Executive Director, Eric Evenson, have met to discuss things. The Insider worries about this as the last time this happened, the Mayor attempted to create a new Joint Powers Agreement, with a whole new board of people managing things and of course, with her as a key board member. Fortunately, the DNR would not go along and the JPA was ditched. The only damage was the fees the City Attorney charged for writing the flawed JPA (a project that was never authorized by the Council).

The 1/23 council meeting had the bill for the gate installation up for approval and it was approved without comment. So, the City paid out over $7000 to put the gate in. Of course, the messy detail that the Lake Association had agreed to pay a share, but had not was not discussed. Reminder, the City Council agreed to pay up to $2000 for the gate with the rest coming from the Association. Seems the Mayor can't be bothered with details like spending more than council authorized and collecting on a deal with the Association. Typical.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, February 2, 2012

South Shore Center Contract Discussion Link to Video


Here's the link to the work session video during which the Center contract was discussed. See also the post in this blog of 1/26 for more about this subject.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

South Shore Center - Illogical Contract?


Following on to the recent post about the newly-approved amendment to the operating agreement, the Insider notes that in the 1/23 meeting council member Woodruff took issue with a clause about giving Kristi Anderson first right of refusal if the City decides to take the operational work inside.

The Insider agrees that this is nonsense. What if the reason for making a change is that Ms. Anderson and her company are not performing (as pointed out by Woodruff)? As the agreement now reads, the City MUST hire her if she wants the job. Second, what if the City wants to do the work with existing staff? It seems that it can't unless Ms. Anderson is first offered the job.

Is this how you would write an agreement? It may be if your motivation is to protect Ms. Anderson and not the best interests of Shorewood. Also, why would any attorney suggest that this clause was proper (the City's attorney must have at least reviewed the amendment and likely wrote it).

Happy Reading!
The Insider