Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trails - Epidemic of Common Sense


Seems Mayor Lizee and council members Hotvet, Siakel and Zerby have been infected with common sense regarding the cost of implementing the Trail Plan. View the meeting of 2/13 at  for the details.

Zerby now says spending $1.8 million for trails is "ludicrous", Hotvet thinks the costs are the "scariest" issue, Lizee says the $1.8 million is not committed and Siakel is now disturbed by the idea of spending $1.8 million.

This is the same group of folks who voted in favor of the 2012 capital budget that earmarked $1.8 million for the trails despite hearing council member Woodruff raise the same issues during budget approval discussions that these four have now belatedly discovered.

So, what's next?

Watching the meeting, one gets the impression of watching someone with their hair on fire. Lizee and buddies seem to be frantically searching for someone to give them the answer to the conrundrum of having an approved a plan that they now think they cannot fund. Lizee wants to send the mess to the Trail Committee or the Parks Commission. The Insider thinks these groups have done their jobs. They analyzed the needs (so to speak) and told the Council what they recommended. Council can't dump the lack of funding back on the commissions. Funding and strategy are council's responsibility.

Stay tuned as Lizee and buddies have to decide how much trails are worth.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Council and Commissions can only make good decisions based on good information.

    As I am for trails sensibly located and economically built, I read the minutes and spoke to a couple of commissioners on the committee and I do not get the impression that this money was actually committed and no decisions were made. It was a blueprint of sorts. Trail committee correct me if I am wrong.

    Anybody who has tried to walk or bike anywhere other than on the LRT takes their life in their hands. Refer to the post on all the neighborhoods complaining about speeding for starters.

  2. Even when council makes a wise decision, they get slapped by this Blog. Had they moved to build the trail I suspect this Blog would have screamed outrage as well.

    The 'heads-I-win, tails-you-lose' attitude suggests there is there a personal bias on display and the insider will never be happy.

  3. I agree. Cut council some slack. They are not always wrong and they frequently take the advice of their commissions and the public. The trail committee and the resident survey are examples of this.

  4. Trails/sidewalks need to be built in a common sense manner, it is going to cost money and the council will need to have the courage to spend it. So let's not cheap ourselves out of moving forward on something this city needs to be safe, sustainable and out of the horse and buggy age.

  5. Insider: I tend to agree with the first three comments. We need an objective informative blog, not Fox News Shorewood. I'm developing a case of Stockholm Syndrome for the council.

  6. Spending money on something not needed, and that the vast majority of Shorewoodians do not want, is hardly courageous. Continue to shine that light, Insider!

    1. Where is the data to support "vast majority who do not want?"
