Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Can't Hear You


In January, council member Zerby said a third video camera was needed in the council chamber. Council member Woodruff said he'd agree, but only if a microphone to catch audience comments was included in the installation. Council voted to have staff make this happen.

So, what's happened? So far, nothing.

If readers of this blog question the importance of the microphone, just watch the video of the 2/13 council meeting (http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=428). Huge portions of the video are illuminated by barely audible mumbles of comments from the audience.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider, wake up! It takes years to get these things done, and you expect it in less than two months?

  2. Could it be that staff is woking with a vendor and is waiting on the vendor?
