Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Zerby AWOL For LMCC Meeting, Again


Somewhat old news, but worth reporting anyway is the fact the council member Zerby missed the 5/15 full commission meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission.

So what, you might ask. Well, the missed meeting is one of only four he is supposed to attend during the year. Last year, after this blog called him out on missing these, he had the council name an alternate, council member Siakel, so Shorewood was sure to be represented if Zerby was not available. Of course, on 5/15 Siakel did not attend either!

Ironically, one agenda item Zerby missed was his own election to the Executive Committee.

The Insider takes great comfort (not) in knowing that Shorewood is represented by people of such dedication.

The other executive Committee members must be wondering how much help Zerby is going to be.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Zerby is too busy with his EXCELSIOR business, probably, too attend.
    Hey Insider, I think you owe Lizee an apology. I just read the Sun-Sailor, and saw that the real name of the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce is the SOUTH LAKE-Excelsior Chamber of Commerce. And if you read the small italicized print on Zerby's nifty Shorewood signs, you would know that Shorewood is a SOUTH LAKE community.
    So Lizee has every right to attend the meetings, and require that her staff attend as well. South Lake, see?
    Insider, could you find out when the name change occurred, and how much Shorewood has to pony up to belong to the organization?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. If the majority of this council wasn't so arrogant and mean-spirited, Woodruff, who rarely misses ANY meetings, would still be Shorewood's LMCC rep. Let's just hope Zerby and Lizee continue to be too busy to run for re-election.

  3. Maybe that's why Zerby is listed as an "at-large" commissioner - because you never know when he'll be around? But being listed on that exec. committee sure will look good on his campaign lit !!!

  4. Speaking of Excelsior business, has anyone noticed the appalling vacancy rate that has suddenly hit the town? It had been looking so good for awhile there.

    Girls night out this week was a total non-happening with the exception of Jackie's. And I hear that people are having a hard time finding the Farmers Market. Not that its HARD to find its just that it was a natural in downtown for both the vendors and the merchants.

  5. Look for the new retail development with the supposedly much-needed grocery store to be a complete disaster. And another hotel (read: condominium) plan is set to be presented to Excelsior soon, I hear.
    I guess if you are a developer, you have to develop. Any property within a half mile of Lake Minnetonka is worth a shot.
