Saturday, June 2, 2012

Open Meetings - Not!


As reported previously, council met on the 29th and the name of the Interim Administrator Sub-Committee was changed to Working Group. So, now no meetings will be publicly noticed, no minutes will be taken and the public won't be able to attend. Woodruff questioned the motives for this and voted against the change saying that the only reason for the change had to be to keep the public from seeing what is happening. Of course, other council members were quick to deny this and all others voted to eliminate openness and transparency.

Of course, none of the ones voting for this mentioned the Personnel Committee (Lizee and Siakel) and that this committee never has posted meeting notices, been open to the public nor made any minutes of its activities available, even to other council members. Double standard? Sure seems that way.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. The council discussion of this is located at If this discussion had been held at the outset, and if the city attorney had chirped up at with an explanation right away, there wouldn't be an issue.

    On a side note: what's up with these people and their condescending, unabashedly disgusting treatment of Woodruff? Watching this behavior is painful.

    1. I too have noticed this, and thought it was just me. The council members who advocated for the protection of seniors and the senior center, are now bullies to the senior citizen on the council.

  2. Not long ago, I was watching a council meeting. Woodruff was making a point on a controversial issue, and while he spoke I saw Lizee smirk over at Zerby, who was already smiling. Team LizZerby is a no-class act, that's for sure. How does Hotvet feel being a part of it? Siakel seems to wallow in it.

    1. We may never know how Hotvet feels about anything - she never says anything other than I agree or support Lizee/Zerby/Siakel. Obviously she's fine being a sheep

  3. Remember, this council ran on a platform for the need of transparency and civility? So, how’s that all working? Their obvious lack of civility toward Woodruff during these meetings is appalling at best and the city attorney acts no better.

  4. Watching the segment of the meeting Another Anonymous referred to in the first link above, the city attorney did show obvious annoynace at one specific councilmember. The council attitude is one thing, but a paid professional...
