Last council meeting a "sub-committee" was named to work on the administrator replacement. In tomorrow's council agenda is an item suggesting changing the name to a "working group." (see: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159681/Page1.aspx) So why is this important?
Seems that a sub-committee must follow the MN open meeting laws, post meeting notices, be open to the public and produce minutes of meetings. Working groups don't need to do these things. Lizee, Siakel and Hotvet ran on a platform calling for openness and transparency. One can only assume that them wanting a name change is to keep the public from knowing what is happening.
By the way, in January of 2011, Lizee and Siakel were appointed to the "Personnel Committee." Since then, they have met numerous times and with staff doing performance appraisals, revising job descriptions, etc., but never have posted a meeting notice, invited the public or produced minutes of their actions.
It's time for Mayor Lizee to realize she is not exempt from the rules.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
What DID Team LizZerby run on? Nothing specific, actually. Not an Excelsior merger, or city-wide water, or affordable housing. Just broad and fuzzy feel-good generalities. This go-round, I hope someone asks tough questions.
ReplyDeleteTransparency? On the May 29 agenda .. under "Consent agenda items", (meaning approval without discussion) .. is Shorewood's brilliant idea of financing a NOT LESS THAN $425K fire truck. So, now Shorewood is in the banking business? If this is such a great idea, why isn't Council willing to discuss it in public? Zerby is on the Fire Board. Can he explain the benefits? When was this discussed and debated by the City Council? Or can't it stand on its own merits? http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159681/Page1.aspx