Saturday, May 26, 2012

Council and Mayor elections Coming!


It's election season, again, in Shorewood.

The position of mayor and two council seats (Lizee's seat and Zerby's and Woodruff's, respectively) are up for election in November. The mayor's term is two years and the council seats are four years.

It's your chance to get involved in how the City of Shorewood is operated. City government relies on interested, concerned and capable individuals being elected to the council. If you read this blog, you're interested and concerned.

The amount of time required varies from something like three or four meetings per month to as much as one wants to spend. The pay is $300/month for mayor and $250/month for council members, not enough, but does cover gas for travel to meetings, etc.

Getting on the ballot is simple. Go to City Hall anytime from July 31st through August 14th and fill out an application. It'll cost you $2. That's it other than what you do to campaign.

Get involved. Encourage your neighbors to get involved involved. The City needs competition for the open positions and fresh perspectives on council.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Hope Woodruff will run again. Appears he's the only one that asks logical questions and understands a budget. Lizee and Zerby? No loss ... other than our open check book, they bring nothing to the table .

  2. Have you watched a council meeting? Woodruff can run again but most of his requests or ideas are squashed before he can complete a question. There is a well-scripted resistance to anything Woodruff and he is rendered ineffective unless there is a change on the council.
