Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interim Administrator Approved


During the 6/25 council meeting, approval to hire an interim City Administrator was given. See:

Details are: 25 to 30 hours per week at $75 per hour for the rest of 2012 with a 14-day termination option.

The Insider observes that this deal gets an administrator 75% of the time at an annualized cost of just over $150,000. What a deal! The recently departed administrator, working more than 40 hours per week was paid just under $100,000 per year. So, the City now has someone working 3/4ths time for 1.5 times the pay.

What are Lizee, Zerby and friends thinking? It's your money they're spending. Would you approve this deal?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. I would love to comment but I am speechless.

  2. Is he going to be physically there at City Hall doing work, or doing a lot of the work at "home" on his computer?
